Thursday, October 20, 2005

this is why

the democrats annoy me and i have trouble reading "progressive" blogs like daily kos.

from daily kos.

re: possible grand jury indictments of members of the bush admin

"I know there's a component of my response that says "God, wouldn't it be great to get those smug bastards." But if i'[sic] a decent person, my true motivation has to be justice for the Plame outing and getting rid of these people who are so low and sleazy and destructive to what America has built."

to what america has what america has built.

let's review some of the things that america has built:

institutionalized white racism, destruction of native america nations, world-wide modern imperialism born on the backs of africans and east asian peoples, institutionalized poverty.

to name a few of my favorites. america is no dream nation where everything was wonderful until the republicans came along and screwed it up. it was not founded on a premise of equality for anyone other than the wealthy white males who didn't want england telling them what to do--they wanted to be the new england and tell the masses of labor below them what to do.

america is not blue vs red. it is me vs you, and all i want, i want for me.

and until the democrats see that, they'll continue to be the same as the republicans. but i'm not holding my breath.


At 12:39 PM GMT-5, Blogger Papa Bear said...

well, people don't really know the history of america (thus, "Lies my teacher told me"). we're taught that america is "the city on the hill", that we've brought the light of advanced culture, democracy, and freedom to all the corners of the earth (well, except for those few communist countries). It's not (just) the fault of a random poster that they don't know this, it's our entire society.

maybe that it's just that I'm more optimistic, but it seems to me that the history of western culture has been one of incremental advancement-slowly raising the standard of living for everyone, gradually learning more about health and the environment, and (very gradually indeed) realising the equality of everyone. along the way, we slip backwards sometimes. this happens to be one of these times.

do i agree with the democrats on everything? of course not. they put far too much time and effort into a number of issues which i don't really agree with, and they've mostly been idiots in every possible way over iraq.

but do i think democrats and republicans are the same? never. just think about what life would have been like with democratic congress and a president gore these past 5 years. I don't know what would have happened, of course... but I can almost guarantee you more people would have medical care, the minimum wage would be higher, we wouldn't have invaded iraq, and it wouldn't have taken a week+ for new orleans to be evacuated.

At 1:02 PM GMT-5, Blogger Papa Bear said...

sorry if i was a little... hyper.

anyway, i hope you won't start calling me a republican now. :)

At 1:12 PM GMT-5, Blogger catswym said...

maybe that it's just that I'm more optimistic, but it seems to me that the history of western culture has been one of incremental advancement-slowly raising the standard of living for everyone, gradually learning more about health and the environment, and (very gradually indeed) realising the equality of everyone. along the way, we slip backwards sometimes. this happens to be one of these times.

or maybe it's that you are a white male. ;)

ahh...the myth of constant progress forward.

the only part i agree with on things being different with Gore is lack of iraq invasion.

granted, that is HUGE, and great. but would more people have healthcare? doubtful. would the minimum wage be a living wage? never. would we be less reliant on foreign oil? nope. on chinese slave labor? don't think so. less buddy-buddy with saudi arabia? and on and on.

and if people don't know the history of america they shouldn't make out like they do.

anyway, when people talk about how american "greatness" they nearly always mean, great in relation to what it has or could provide for them or people like them.

anyway, i knew this post would get your goat, as they say.

but i do maintain that democrats miss the big picture. the want to fit into the framework the republicans have provided.


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